Thursday, March 5, 2015

Let´s start!... again

I dont know if you´ve noticed yet, but I´ve changed the whole presentation of my Blog, because... well I have like a bunch of reasons but mainly because I thought that what I was doing in here (at the beginnig) doesn´t go with my ideas and I needed a new and fresh start.

In some way, I was trying to be something that, no matter how much interest I have on fashion, well those are not the things that I want to focus on. There´s a lot of things that I actually appreciate much more than fashion, and actually I don´t think that I dress properly or trendy to be trustfull in that topic.

Actually, I rather do photography or go to the movies and relax with music, more than be aware of Fashion, but also I don´t think that I´m that kind of girl that pretend to be intelectual and sarcastic and a video games lover just because is to mainstream being femenin, that´s rubbish.

Wow... it seems like a #ThursdayConfessions (and probably it is).

Finally, this changes came with a lot of compromise from me to you, basically to write more and to be more in touch with you, and for that I have created a few sections that will help me to organize and keep this in movement.

This sections (that I will explain to you in my firsts posts of each) are:
- Mexican Sunday
- Behind the Pic
- Non Daily News
- Watch it Wednesday
- "What a Week" Weekend
- Movie Monday
-Beautiful People

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